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A Look at Home Price Appreciation Through 2025.

Home prices have increased significantly over the last year, which in turn has grown the net worth of homeowners. Appreciation and home equity are directly linked – as the value of a home increases, so does a homeowner’s equity. And with these recent gains, homeowners are witnessing their financial stability and well-being grow to record levels. In […]

Home Builders Ramp Up Construction Based on Demand

If you’re thinking of buying a home, there really is no time like the present. With today’s low mortgage rates, you have a great opportunity to get more home for your money. The challenge is inventory. Like you, many buyers led by real estate experts, want to capitalize on these market conditions, and it’s leading to […]

Are We in a Housing Bubble? Experts Say No

The question of whether the real estate market is a housing bubble ready to pop seems to be dominating a lot of conversations – and everyone has an opinion. Yet, when it comes down to it, the opinions of real estate experts that carry the most weight are the ones based on experience and expertise. […]

What To Expect as Appraisal Gaps Grow?

Low inventory and high demand drive home prices in today’s fiercely competitive Chicago real estate market. As a result, we are observing a trend of growing appraisal gaps. According to the latest Realtors Confidence Index from the National Association of Realtors (NAR), as many as 54% of homes in Chicago are receiving offers over the […]

Save Time and Effort by Selling with an Agent.

Selling a house is a time-consuming process – especially if you decide to do it on your own, known as a For Sale By Owner (FSBO). Working with real estate agents can make the process much smoother. From conducting market research to reviewing legal documents, handling negotiations, and more, it’s an involved and highly detailed […]

Why This Is Not Like 2008 Again.

During the Great Recession, just over a decade ago, the financial systems the world depended on started to collapse. It created a panic that sent shockwaves through the real estate market, making it extremely difficult for individuals and families to buy homes in Chicago and beyond. Several large companies were driven out of business (ex. […]